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I found this to be the most proper area to put this, I apologize ahead of time if there is another area for this type of thread.


Sometime within the past month or so, a limit of some sort was put on the maps. Which is fine, I understand that if you don't have something like that in place, the same maps get played over and over. However, that presents another problem. It seems like whenever I log on to CSS and go to the Jailbreak server, every single good map can't be played. I'm going to guess it's because you have to play 5 or more different maps before you can go back to the first one? Could this limit be lowered to like 3? I love playing on the server, but it's not fun at all when we are constantly on shitty maps.


Am I alone on thinking this or has it been bothering other members as well?

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I knew this was going to happen.

much like surf, once the good maps are over played -

the crappy ones have to get played aswell with the 'large' map limit.

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The solution to this would be to just cut out the trash, and get rid of the 3 or 4 maps that nobody ever likes going to. Then, no matter what map it is, people are at least content, instead of going "**** LET'S GET OUT OF HERE RTV FREEDAY ON THIRD ROUND"

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It's kind of hard to tell which maps noone likes when there's only about 5 maps that the server usually runs on. People get so used to Jail_lego they don't know how good the other ones might be. I have yet to try out every map, and I believe that it's pretty much the same for everyone else.

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the reason we have the maps is so we dont play the same good map over and over then nobody likes it like lego. Its awesome but its played so much people dont like it anymore. If you want to remove a map, to avoid becoming a baddy server with only 8 maps like most servers, heres an idea. recommend a GOOD map to replace the map you think is bad. then we maintain our large map selection and everyones happy about the new map. instead of just saying "lets get rid of these 10" without having something to replace them. Id rather have variety, even if some maps are only played for 3 rounds, who really cares? It keeps people from getting.

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