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JB Map Variety

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When I play JB, I notice that although there are quite a few map choices, we play the same 5-7 maps. Is there anyway we can adda bit variety perhaps change the number 1 map each round?(people just spam 1)

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better yet you should make it they have to type out the EXACT Map name for it to change. Yea that way people will actually have to see the map they played :O. but lol at this thread. the first map is random unless nominated. if you want to pick a map type nominate in chat and choose the map you want to play. The first map nominated is the #1 choice. But how much variety do you need? theres already a limit on and it would be ridiculous to make it bigger. theres only like 15 maps on our server anyways and the reason the others arent played is cause their not very good. So yeabad thread is bad there is no problem with the current system sorry. If you know of any good maps recommend it in the "map request area"

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I've actually got an idea for a way to make not-so-popular maps more popular... Stay with me here, I don't know if this can be truly done.... When the list of 1-6 new maps comes up to vote for a new map; each person's arrangement of the maps on the list are different. We all have the same 6 maps, the only difference is the number. My 1 could be your 3, your 5 could be my 2, etc etc... Even if people just spam 1 (like they mostly will) they will not always be the most-nominated maps such as avalanche, lego, etc. It should probably help and make people pay more attention. Anywho, let me know what you think.

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This is why i had the idea of the recently played mod...keeps things fresh. now all we need is a few new maps added to the server. If you have any let us know!!!

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