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Scrim Etiquette (Mostly for Scrimteam)

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Hi Guys, JB here just going to let you know the proper etiquette of scrimming, the rules, and what is expected.


First off, Have 5 prepared prior. Don't get a scrim then start trying to grab people. It's viewed as rude and will get you disliked from the very beginning.


2. Don't call hacks, there is nothing more 'noobish' then calling another player a hacker because he got a headshot on you midscrim.


3. It's okay to compliment but don't fill up chat with useless bullsh*t.


4. You can't spectate mid game unless in sourcetv. Unless it's an innerclan scrim, every scrim is treated like a tournament match.


5. Use the K teamchat for all your useless whining once you die, nobody wants to hear a bunch of whining while they're trying to focus


6. Always be in teamspeak while scrimming


7. Always listen to calls, don't go and trying to be a "Pro" and do your own thing.


8. Don't spec and rejoin for cash. This kind of goes with 4, but I put it just to be safe.


There is more to be added to this but for now I will leave it at the very basics, if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask

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lol i alway spec and rejoin for the money when i scrim with friends.

The team I played last night was doing it, it kind of depends on the team but in most cases is frowned upon D:

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