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Yo G's, sending out invites to Google+, just post your email here and i'll give you one.


Just by the way, for the field testing it is going through right now, you do in fact have to be 18+; if you don't have one already, go create a gmail and be sure to set your age to older than 18. You must be in my circle if you want an invite from me :c.

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Yay, just what I wanted! a new Facebook!




Be quiet. you have what, 37 friends on your facebook? Yeah i've seen it. Cute profile picture.


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Be quiet. you have what, 37 friends on your facebook? Yeah i've seen it. Cute profile picture.



which I only made because Herpes made me make it.

I can't be bothered to add all the 1200+ kids I know.


and I hate facebook, its just for drama-queens who just want to

start crap because they refuse to grow up and act mature, or people

without a life who feel the need to update what they're doing every ten seconds,

because it makes them feel important, which in reality no one gives a sh*t about.

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Lol ok jeez I struck a nerve i'm sorry I was just kidding... this is why I like google+ right now, because first of all, i'm only going to invite people that WON'T make those shitty statuses you are talking about. Second of all, there are "circles" which you can add people too, on your home page you can set who's statuses, photos, etc you see, and who can see what you post.


Im just going to add everybody, just because; then add the people I actually like to a circle and I will only be able to see their stuff you see? yeah good good.


---------- Post added at 03:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------


Plus I add whores at my school to look at the pictures they upload in bikinis you know? Those are pretty cool.

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The biggest problem with social networking is that you have to be social in order to use it. I, for one, hate seeing my friends say anything unless it is life-or-death important. I hate watching them make jokes, or posting pictures of friends, or coordinating parties, or just talking to each other. Small-talk of any kind straight ****** me off.


For reals, though, the ironic thing about bashing FB is that you're basically just bashing your friends. It's like, wow, if you hate your friends so much and think they're so pointless why don't you just get new ones?


I'll take an invite if you feel like handing one out, though I can't promise I'll use it more than twice. BUT THOSE TWO TIMES? BEST TIMES.

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lol dysprosium if you hate small talk that much how do you expect to ever get a girlfriend lol. (assuming you dont have one already) Cause small talk is usually how you get into a relationship in the first place :P

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I heard about google +, it suspose to be something like facebook right with video calls and such thro the broswer?

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lol dysprosium if you hate small talk that much how do you expect to ever get a girlfriend lol. (assuming you dont have one already) Cause small talk is usually how you get into a relationship in the first place :P


I direct you here, sir, so that you might have a greater understanding of the conversation at hand.

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I want to but i dont want a bunch of shitty kids from this clan with my account -_-


Lol ben rapelezlelzlezlberg was the exact same way. He just sent me a private message and I still invited him. If you don't want me to be in your circles, you dont have to add me. I wont give out your email to anyone; if you still want an invite just private message me it.

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My friends, I direct you to the most super-cool, totally ****-drinkingly awesomest social network ever. It's this great new thingy; I even think it'll surpass facebook in popularity given enough time (which, let's be honest, will only be like a few months considering how great this thing is). Frankly, it's the most innovative social media tool I have ever seen, and I am completely astounded that no one thought of its incredible improvements before. Behold, said amazing thingamajig, that even Christ himself averts his eyes due to the sheer awesomeness it secretes from space tentacles from the future: Featured Content on Myspace

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