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For all the drama

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If the clan was meant for mature people, the leader would be mature

OOOOH ****



and why? because ****-you-thats-why. Jk <3

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Its a VIDEOGAME. Meant to have fun in a videogame right? If you get sooo bothered about someone messing around for like 1 or 2 rounds a week than you, sir, need therapy classes. lol

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guys its not about it being a "videogame" that part doesnt matter. Its the fact that silence sets double standards, is a general d*ck to everyone around him, and only cares about himself. Your not a co leader that put hundreds of hours into the clan and got s*it on for a reward are you? didnt think so. Maybe once that happens to you, you can say the same thing again that you just said. Oh thats right thatll never happen cause you really dont give 2 sh*ts about that clan and your probably only in the clan in hopes of getting moderator so you can slay people that make you mad on JB.

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I'm not saying I know how this feels I'm just suggesting to drop it. I didn't start this fthread just to make another place to debate about this...

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guys its not about it being a "videogame" that part doesnt matter. Its the fact that silence sets double standards, is a general d*ck to everyone around him, and only cares about himself. Your not a co leader that put hundreds of hours into the clan and got s*it on for a reward are you? didnt think so. Maybe once that happens to you, you can say the same thing again that you just said. Oh thats right thatll never happen cause you really dont give 2 sh*ts about that clan and your probably only in the clan in hopes of getting moderator so you can slay people that make you mad on JB.


Hey man you have a bad case of angeritis, I suggest you relax.

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But on a serious note about all this raging and drama, just be the bigger person and drop it.. Its not needed and its just plain stupid to start over a VIDEOGAME. This clan was meant for mature people.


We cant be friends cause u keep killing me everytime im a Ct and you are a T.

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