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Zombie Server Fixes

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I played the zombie escape server recently and well. Here are a few suggestions I would like to make, These are merely suggestions that I feel would enrich the playing experience.



Shorten the zombie spawn time, while playing Deathstar we frequently got stopped by the door because zombie hadn't been chosen and terrorist were shawn as enemies. This greatly reduced the fun of the map :c.


Get rid of classes, you don't need faster humans or faster zombies or any type of class. The map is based around normal players trying to escape from somewhat faster zombies.


Get rid of unlimited ammo pistols. When running from zombies this adds an unfair advantage to the humans.


So what do you think?

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zombies also have many unfair advantages... such as all they have to do is strafe and they get to you. So i agree with your ideas yet disagree with them. I completely agree with the classes. But the pistols thing is legitimate, i think that if you take away the pistol thing the zombies will always win! Remember all the zombies have to do is hit you once! So honestly i disagree with the pistols. But it isnt up to me to decide on this problem... im just putting my two cents in.

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Zombie escape maps give you enough advantages for it to be fair. By adding the unlimited ammo you take away the zombie advantage of the reload.


and knockback is a human advantage*

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Its completely fair because the pistols have knockback turned down very low. If you got rid of the unlimited ammo on pistols it would make it extremely unfair to the humans, I would probably ragequit from it in 30 min.

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