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clan disrespect really.......

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ok so I bought this server right... and ppl start to join... idc about that thats cool i aksed everyone if they wanted to scrim they said no i asked them to leave politely before i got shitty... the i started to say if your not scrimming gtfo... cause i had a 10 man set up....i asked a few clan members to leave and they wouldnt... well for all you that want to be punks the whole reason i bought this server is so i could have serious scrims whenever i want to... thats fair cause i paid for it no one else did..... its all cool and **** for u guys to come in but if i would like to use my 11 slot scrim server for a scrim and ask you to leave politely a few times then ill move to kicking ppl.... and if you keep trying to rejoin i will ban.... this is my righhtful power as server owner... and you know what psycho i wont come to xg scrim server anymore or scrim with you anymore cause if thats the kind of disrecpect thats gonna keep coming then my tags are off.... the immaturity i saw in a couple of you today and the disrepect i mean really.... i guess that all i have to say.. and if any others have problem with me using my server for my own use lemme know ill be sure to not give a ****



for those of you that were there thanks for comign sorry for the minor admin abuse.. (just gotten sm admin to work) so i was playing with it.

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I remembered when I cared about video games. Also, who are you supposed to be anyway?


I second this completely.



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**** off





Arch bought a server so we could have serious scrims 5v5, not a 30 person scrim server so crap loads of people can come in randomly.

He got annoyed because a few people acted immature and you guys act like trolls?

**** off.

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**** off





Arch bought a server so we could have serious scrims 5v5, not a 30 person scrim server so crap loads of people can come in randomly.

He got annoyed because a few people acted immature and you guys act like trolls?

**** off.





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Quarantine, aren't you supposed to be a mod? Can't you grow up and stop being some nasally voiced little punk who thinks he "rules the internet" go get some sun you pale cave-dweller. The kid paid for his server with his own money, theres really nothing you or your little posse of village people can say. With all politeness, go fuck yourself and post something useful.

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**** off





Arch bought a server so we could have serious scrims 5v5, not a 30 person scrim server so crap loads of people can come in randomly.

He got annoyed because a few people acted immature and you guys act like trolls?

**** off.


stop being a hypocritical little punk.


you troll these forums all the time, and when someone makes an obvious troll post,

you get extremely butt hurt? get over yourself.

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You haven't realized this is the true JB yet? He joined xG to be on the scrim team, played a week or so with us, then leaves us for a better team, instead of sticking around. He rarely ever wears the clan tag, but will sport any other clans happily. Bottom fragger has Bieber Fever hard.

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Alright stop with Teh disrespects , Its getting really annoying with most of you guys posting useless disrespect posts to other members or non members of this clan. If your going to Disrespect don't bother posting on threads , Take it somewhere else We don't need trollers or disrespectful people . If this continue You'll be ban from the forums for a day ect, Closed.

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