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Where are they now?

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fair enough sirs:last online 65 days ago

outlaw:last online 34 days ago

selby:last online 8 days

lenin:last online 24 days ago

sam:who cares lol

skittle:last online 65 days ago


penguin:LAST ONLINE 2 HOURS AGO!!!!!



If you know anything reguarding on these peoples lack of appearance please post in the thread,BTW i know fair enough was caught with drugs but its still just a rumor to me.

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dk about outlaw, lenin had a family tragedy or something liek that so its understandable why he isnt on, decter left a long time ago, outlaw i havent seen him on either, prob on vacation for quite some time

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What about me? Why aren't I on this list? I haven't been on in almost (over?) a month! DON'T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE!? What about that night in Paris? Didn't that mean anything to you?

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dk about outlaw, lenin had a family tragedy or something liek that so its understandable why he isnt on, decter left a long time ago, outlaw i havent seen him on either, prob on vacation for quite some time
feel bad about lenin hope he gets back soon.but how do you know about lenin?

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Hopefully Selby died..... I mean what? oh thats weird i wonder where he is.


Hey NullByte, uh, I just came back from the garage, and I was wondering why your truck has a blood-stained knife and a dirty trashbag in the back? I'm not trying to pry or anything I just thought that was weird.

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