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Is This Game Allowed on Jailbreak?

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So I had this idea in my head about a game you can play when on jailbreak, I really don't know if it exists or its even allowed, but picture this.


Warden says a question like "What's my favorite cereal?" and says two answers, for example CInnamon Toast Crunch or Cherrios. The warden types the answer in the CT chat, then the T's who are participating go on one side for one answer and the other T's to the other side for the other answer. All the T's who get's it right lives, and those who got it wrong dies.


Is this allowed or does this count as a mass freekill?

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It's like roulette with a predetermined, yet unannounced to the Ts, winner. I don't see any rules that it would break. Go ahead and play it.

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