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More Good Less Bad!

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Am hearing all of this negativity from players about the mods, and admins.


I'm not hearing any positivity though! Most of the mods/admins on xG do a great job, but it seems as though that just isn't good enough for the players!


I mean think about it, really. Imagine having to go to school at 7, comming back from school for maybe an hour, than leaving for work. Most of the members won't realize how stress full this is because they are youth.


But ontop of that, they also some how have to be on 24/7 to deal with all of your needs, i mean shure it is there job to do that kind of stuff, but cut them some slack sometimes, imagine having a terrible day, just to go on your computer to play a game, and hear everyone judging you on everything you do wrong!


I am just saying i belive that some of the mods deserve more respect than they recive, not just the mods, but the admins, co-owners, Owners aswell! An example i have is not even an hour ago i was talking to Arthman, and he was about to get off of his computer and sleep because he had school in 6 hours. But as he was getting off of his computer he recieved a message from someone saying that there was a massive free killer on the jailbreak server. He could have ignored the situation and simply gone to sleep, but instead he went back on, and figured out the whole deal, not rushing time, or anything like that.


So next time a mod, admin, co-owner, or owner screws up on something, don't make a huge deal about it. Move on, forget about it, unless it is something, huge. That will hopefully lead to less grumpy, and angry mods/admins/co-owners/owners.




-Thank You <3

Slipery Fingers

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its cause the ragehards are jelly cause we worked to get our mod and admin status, and they want it as well but they dont want to put the effort in it, so they ♥♥♥♥ talk us to get us in trouble and possibly get us demoted so that they dont feel as inferior. they also focus on the one bad thing that we did as opposed to the one hundred good things that we did

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