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The 4th studio album by The Devil Wears Prada album comes out on the 13th, but apparently it was shipped to the pre-orderers early. Got mine today including my shirt. This is an amazing album. Music-gasm.

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Just because you don't like a band doesn't mean they suck. Don't be a about your opinions. I like many typed of music and am tolerant of rap and country, but I really don't like it when people hate on music like you. Not cool, bro.

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TDWP went from being totally metalcore, to really cool keyboard deathcore/metalcore. I like their new album. It's...different? xD

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I do like that every album they try not to be mainstream, Their first album was pretty unique, then on Plagues they changed a bit, things got a bit heavier on Roots, and then Zombies EP was just Zombie killing crazy heavy music, but now Dead Throne is a mix of some Roots styled songs, really heavy songs that sound like the music from Call Of Duty Zombies and some really different stuff. I like all of it, since I'm a huge metal fan and like lots of different styles of metal.

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The meaning of the band name "The Devil Wears Prada" is that when you are being judged by god that it isn't going to matter what clothes you wear such as fashionable clothes like Prada. It also means that the Devil is deceiving and tempts you with material objects. I'm not Christian, but I do like their message.

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