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iTS FREEDAY FREEDAY (i have no life)

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Its freeday, freeday.

Gotta rebel on freeday.

Everybodys looking forward to killing CT's, CT's

Freeday, Freeday.

Gotta rebel on freeday

Everybodys looking forward to

Killing CT's CT's

Knifing vents, knifing vents, YEAH!

Knifing vents, knifing vents, YEAH!

Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun.

Looking forward to my freeday.


Yesterday was warday (warday)

Today it is freeday (Freeday)

We, we, we, we so excited. We so excited.

I don't want this freeday to end!!!


Im stuck here....

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I would sing this if you finished the song.




7:00 AM, waking up in a cell

Gotta get my swag on gotta go everywhere

Gotta get a gun, gotta get a nade

Seein all the CT'S, the cell's are opening

Everyone's movin on and on and on

Gotta get to simen saaysss and

I see my fellow friends

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