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Im back

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I reinstalled all my stuff on my laptop, because I was getting 300 ping on xG Jailbreak, so yea. I'l be on mostly at nights and weekends, I was out for about a month, I was busy with Hs soccer, we came to the quarterfinals, lost by an offside goal -__-. But yea the point is that I'll be on a lil bit more. Game is very addicting after not playing for a month. See you guys online! :)

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You missed me perma banning myself and getting perma'd from teamspeak.
!!!!!!!! HAHAH XDDD, Damm :P, Hey slipery you write alot, you should make a book no lie. I wish I could make that many posts.

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I don't know, but what i do know is that there will be an abrupt halt in all posts done by me by the time my next shipment of KY anal lube finaly arrives, i mean that is the only reason that i joined xG: I ran outta Lube!

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