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CT Team fix?

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There have been alot of people teamstacking on CT in JB. So, I was thinking one of the admins maybe consider making it so when there is like 5 CTs then there would have 11 Ts to switch to CT I am not sure if it would work well but it might help some of the teamstack.:confused:

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Ya alot of people join CT without a mic and mostly freekill and then don't slay themselves.But anybody can easily team stack by clicking auto-assighn alot and eventually will get on CT So, I feel it needs to be fixed. D:

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ummm i rather say its fine to team stack sometimes when T's rebel to much and have to have more Ct's watching them... but the bad part is bad Ct's who dont know what there doing and just stand infront of T's and get themself killed. But i think it should be find there be some Ct's without mic as long as there is a few with mic who is willing to take warden. otherwise if a T wants to take ct side and be a warden one Ct without a mic would be swap with that person.

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