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Crack down on rules for JB

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i was playing jb the other day and we played simon says 6 days in a row till a person was just able to call warden before him only to play last reaction first reaction 3 days in a row. Now im pretty sure thats against the rules and also somtimes the warden makes it warden only kills for several rounds in a row. Thats not to fun just want people to read this and avoid doing things like this oh and PLAY THE WHOLE MAP in lego jailbreak for example you always are in soccer simon says or isolation i been in 4 corners on that map once to play it:( never saw anyone play tic tac toe either just dont be rutine:o

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well.. i'd say they try to size down the T's to a size they can control than play something fun but most the warden just get rid of T's with boring stuff such as last reaction and simon said.. otherwise everytime they have a fun day theres atleast 2 or so T's rebeling which are hard for Ct's to keep count of each of them.

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Also in the MOTD it implies that warden kills only unless instructed otherwise or they are rebelling and they are only allowed to play a game 3-4 times in a row.

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