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It is fun Aegean! People are usually more prepared because this isn't some unorganized debate, but one with certain time frames. I do a partner debate, so 2 vs 2, on hot political topics. You have to make a case for each side of the resolution, the affirmative, and the negative.


The resolution (topic) this month was: Direct election should replace the Electoral College in the Presidential election.


I ran negative the whole time because people had a bias towards direct vote and all of my opponents picked affirmative, basically say DE is good. I feel myself in my own opinion that Electoral College keeps everything in balance and only had the few instances where it failed us, because DE is really unorganized and a whole majority premium can be swung to a side too easily.


But yeah, you get nervous before your tourney everytime. It's fun talking to your opponents before hand! You feel more comfortable in the debate.

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