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RTV Freeday

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can we plz restrict this.

If 1 CT hates the map he just shouts out RTV freeday (or warday etc.)

really annoying cause we dont even get to play a couple decent rounds and map already changes.

im not asking to remove it but like after 7 rounds its permissible to give a RTV freeday. thanks

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There's already a limit for when you can RTV the map, but yeah I agree, I hate when people want to switch the map because 1 person doesn't like it. Unless its a popular map, people just shut up about it *coughLegomapcough*

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no tbh if its a map even if it is popular after 1 round of the map some random CT screams rtv freeday

and dumb Ts rtv -.- even if it is a good map -.-

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hmmm... We may take this into consideration since i've seen many Ct's do this even if they are not warden.. But for now all i can say is noone can rtv the map until a certain amount of time is passed. But we'll discuss this with the others and see what they think first sounds good?

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No im not saying stay on the same maps

some maps are truly boring

but 1 CT shouts " RTV FREEEDAAYYY!!"

every1 rtvs and we only play 1 round of the map itself....

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-1 there are some really bad maps that need to be rtv d


Ask them be removed from he rotation. I'm gonna start a list.


Sometimes we do need an rtv though, when the CTs suck it really gets hard to play. Sometimes we need new ones.

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Nobody forces anyone to RTV;


its not RTV or Die, its RTV if you want.


If people are willing to RTV for a freeday, then maybe they don't like that map as much as you do; what you are saying is that you don't care that the majority of the server wants to (or can be convinced to) change the map; all you care about is getting it your way.


I don't see how we can really ban this; just stop complaining so much just because you don't like something.

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You aren't forced to rtv like smoker said, it's rtv and you get a freeday. If the majority of the server wants to rtv then they'll rtv, if the majority likes the map they won't. You atleast get 3-5 rounds to play before you can rtv.

If you don't like some of the maps, and have reasons as to why they aren't good maps(not "I just don't like it"), then bring it to the attention of one of the leaders and we'll see about removing and/or replacing it if it is a bad map.

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