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Attention to those who have Skyrim

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I was bored at 3am on a Wednesday morning. I had already beaten the main quest-line and gotten to level 50 legitimately, so I thought "why not make a character with level 100 on every skill with the best weapon and armor?" "Yeah cool. i'll make that"


I proceed to make said character with console commands. In less than 10 minutes I have everything I wanted. But for some reason (mainly because I was so tired) I felt as if I REALLY needed the main quest-line completed on this character before it was really finished. Not wanting to complete the thing again so soon, I look for a command to do it.


I, in my tired state, think this would work: "caqs - Complete all Quest Stages" I assume it means it will only complete the quests you currently have. I decide it's worth it to just type it in over and over. Apparently it does not complete just the quests you have, but instead every single quest in the entire game. Yeah, that's right.


Some people are like "why is this such a bad thing?" Well............. It may not be the most intense thing for some people, but I know others like myself are achievement hunters. For all of the quests being completed, this included the completion of all of the achievements that are measured with quest status. Yeah, FML. There goes lots of things I was working towards..... please don't do what I did /cry /cry /cry.


screw console commands /cry

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