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jailbreak suggestion

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I think that we should remove noblock so ts cant kill the whole ct team easily while their stacked in eachother, it gets really annoying.



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-1 this the fact noblock is a tactic T's have to use to kill Ct's. Remember CT's can get big weapons like rifles,nades,and tazers while T's get bombs,knifes and pistols and if your lucky vent cell so what it takes is a good shot to kill a rebeling T

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not having noblock sucks, trust me you'd regret not having it.


not only is it an advantage/disadvantage (fair game tactic) but it prevents people from blocking the exits/entrances which can cause more then just a little trouble in game.


for example, lets say noblock is removed.


a CT joins without realizing noblock has been removed.

Warden orders T's to go to soccer without delay

the T's jam the door, and the CT believes this is a delay.

CT sprays everyone who is believed to be 'delaying'.

They get punished, claimed they didn't know, the appeal looks suspicious

and the punishment stays.

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Yea... we need no block to take down traffic.. also, usually there is around 30 - 40 T's during the afternoon, Where should we place such a big group of T's at? and People could afk in a 1 exit room and no T's / Ct's would beable to move unless the person is slained / or comes back.

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Not to be mean or anything but this is the dumbest idea ever. -1

first of all most orders of cts involve Ts stacking so if there is no block well CTs and Ts wouldnt have a good time now then shall they?

without no block jb would suck

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