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My Configuration File(s)

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>// _nero`s source config

// _Set simple aliases and binds
alias	 	+cjump				"+jump; +duck"				// Perfect crouchjump
alias	 	-cjump 				"-jump; -duck"
alias		+gain				"+right; +moveright; cl_yawspeed 250"	// Perfect circles
alias 		-gain				"-right; -moveright; cl_yawspeed 210"
alias 		awp 				"buy awp"
alias 		m4a1				"buy m4a1"
alias 		famas 				"buy famas"
alias 		ak47				"buy ak47"
alias 		m3				"buy m3"
alias 		usp 				"buy usp"
alias	 	flash 				"buy flashbang;buy flashbang"
alias	 	hegren				"buy hegrenade"
alias	 	kevhelm				"buy vesthelm"
alias	 	pammo				"buy primammo"
alias	 	sammo				"buy secammo"
alias	 	deagle				"buy deagle"
alias	 	smoke				"buy smokegrenade"
alias	 	equip				"kevhelm; flash; hegren; smoke; sammo; pammo"
alias	 	equip1 				"usp;buy defuser;equip"
alias	 	equip2				"deagle;buy defuser;equip"
bind 		"space"				"+jump"
bind		"alt"				"+cjump"
bind		"kp_plus"			"equip1"
bind		"kp_enter"			"equip2"
bind		"kp_ins"			"awp"
bind		"kp_end"			"m4a1; ak47"
bind		"kp_del"			"famas"
bind		"kp_pgdn"			"m3"
bind 		"kp_slash"			"exec scrim1.cfg"
bind		"kp_star"			"exec defexec.cfg"
bind		"downarrow"			"clear"

// _Set advanced aliases and binds
alias 		walktog 			"walkon"
alias 		walkon 				"alias walktog walkoff; +speed"
alias		walkoff 			"alias walktog walkon; -speed"
//bind 		"shift"				"walktog"
alias 		ducktog				"duckon"
alias		duckon				"alias ducktog duckoff; +duck"
alias 		duckoff				"alias ducktog duckon; -duck"
alias		runtog				"runon"
alias		runon				"alias runtog runoff;+forward"
alias		runoff				"alias runtog runon;-forward"
bind		downarrow			"runtog"
//bind		ctrl				"ducktog"

// _Set netcode settings
cl_cmdrate 					66					// Reduces a lot of lag
cl_lagcompensation 				1
cl_updaterate 					66
cl_smooth 					1
rate 						30000

// _Set violence settings
violence_ablood 				1					// See hits easier
violence_agibs 					1
violence_hblood 				1
violence_hgibs					1

// _Set fps
//fps_max 					54

echo "_nero`s source config loaded"





>// _nero`s scrim config
say "Scrim configuration file (scrim1.cfg) loaded."
unbind k

bind z radio1
bind x radio2
bind c radio3

bind t "radio3;slot1"

bind v "drop"

bind mouse3 "radio3;slot3"

echo "_nero`s scrim config loaded"



>say "Default configuration file (autoexec.cfg) loaded."
bind "k" "say !prop;kill"
bind "v" "drop"
bind "t" "impulse 201"

bind "mouse3" "+gain"
exec autoexec


walktog - Press your walktog key and it will shiftwalk until you press it again

ducktog - Press your ducktog key and it will crouch until you press it again

runtog - Press your runtog key and it will run until you press it again.


If you have any suggestions, post them here. Also, if you modify this and reupload it please leave my name in it, and give yourself credit as well.

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// _Set netcode settings
cl_cmdrate 100 // Reduces a lot of lag
cl_interp 0.01
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_updaterate 100
cl_smooth 1
rate 30000


Most "high performance" network settings actually lower performance, or don't do anything at all. This is an example.


The max values for cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are the server's tick-rate. Since, unlike CS 1.6, [b]ALL[/b] CS:S servers run at 66-ticks, any value over 66 is useless. And yes, that means that server companies advertising 101-tick servers are ripping you off.


The cl_interp value affects how many frames the game uses for interpolation. You should leave this to the default, or small connection hiccups will cause players to be constantly bouncing all over the place. Any value smaller than cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate ≈ 0.017 is ignored. You can view your interpolation period by typing "net_graph 1" in the console - it's labeled "lerp."


See here for more information.

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