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[STORY GAME] Rules | Allowed? | Feedback

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Hello ladies and gentlemen, My name is MitoDito, as most of you know, or probebly not.

But however I usually play a game on the xG Jailbreak server, and its not really 'known' as most admins say.

I totally understand, but this is why i'm making this thread so i can expand on it, and get some feedback from fellow members, admins, mods, etc.




The Story Game!


Just some basic stuff:

-The game MUST be played by using STAIRS, RAMPS, or LADDERS!

-Game must be played by someone who knows how to play this, read this post, and knows whats up to date

-People who believe one is doing this game wrong, MUST give evidence using this thread! This thread gets updated recently!





-Person wardening will ask T's if they want to play the story game (Its best if T's would like to play it)

-Warden will start telling a story from scratch and stop between points that allow T's to pick (2) options of what path they will take in the story

(If you think about it its kind of like those books where you pick your adventure!)

-However if a T picks the wrong path, he/she will die a painful death.

-Warden must say in TEAM CHAT what path lives (example: 'TOP', in this situation the people BOTTOM of stairs will die.

-Warden must be reasnable in choises




-Your walking on a bright sunny morning downtown, all the suddon you see a gun on the ground! Do you........

----Pick up the gun and shoot yourself at BOTTOM CELL STAIRS,


----Walk along like a normal person and enjoy your day at the TOP OF CELL STAIRS


In this situation, obviously the second path would keep you alive, and any other T's Die.





Hope you guys enjoy this game! and use it for some fun days on xG jailbreak!

More games to come!

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I just wish there was some better crafted stories.. And if the story game is something I will end up playing often, I do hope someone crafts a bunch of good, little stories to tell. Still...it's something other then first reaction last reaction.

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I shall totally +1 this. However, there's already enough of a problem with moron CTs killing the wrong people with the games that we have as is. That said, we will never be rid of stupid CTs in the first place, so it's debatable how legitimate such a concern is.

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I just saw team chat was required with answer, so I removed my -1. Derp, sorry.


I dunno, I don't like the game, personally. BUt my personal opinion doesn't make it invalid. So. No vote.

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