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Disrespect Part 2.

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um mick, i like trains too.


if what they say effects you so greatly personally. I suggest you dont use the mic, or play css jb. It just might not be worth the harm it does to you.


also you could try to use a fake voice as well if thats an option ur willin to consider


the server can barly stop freekillers, no wai they going to stop the crap they do to u, its just too much too common and too internet.


ima repeat. if the game makes u want to cry.... perheps this isnt the activity you should be doing. ur suppose to do things that make u happy not sad.


mick has a point about the trololololin he gets, ive seen it myself ect. n its not just him, anyone who sounds young will instantly get trololololed. Somtimes worse then other times.


although it may not be allowed, alot of other things arent allowed either, that happen constantly.


i dont feel xg is strict enough in some ways, while it has its ups, it also has its downs.


Mick, xG will prolly in the end, tell you this: its the internet, get over it.

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I'm not quitting CSS. And I'm not leaving our servers. These are best servers I've ever seen. And the crying was an placebo. I was just trying to say that it made me really sad. And I like being trolled. It's fun. As long as they're not saying I'm a girl. That just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ me off. And just because of some people I should just stop using the mic? No. Just. No. Spread the message I'm a guy. When they ask tell them. I'll do my best to talk less. But I would appreciate the help if you could spread the word. :)

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Like others have noted, these people who are making fun of you just want you to get a emotional reaction from what they are telling you; they are like emotional cyber vampires XD But jokes aside, it is just best to ignore what they say, or they will just keep doing it.

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Trouble is.... he cant.

He already said he just cant.


He is doomed to repeat the same hurt again and again. Un willing to change anything to prevent it.


Natural human nature, combined with ignorance cannot be stopped. Look around you.

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Mick, i give you my word that if i ever see this happening in server when im on i will ask them to stop personaly (voice chat/pm) and if they dont, then i will do something a little more severe depending on how bad they troll. Add me on steam next time we play together


LoL to your vids duckii though :P had a good laugh

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