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Freekilling and you

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I swear I saw a topic like this before. Maybe I even made it. Maybe i'm just going insane. I dunno. ANYWAYS.


So, I'd like to take the time to share a bit of insight to new/newish members of xG, and perhaps remind a few more long-time members of a small, unfortunate part of the reality that is jailbreak.


Freekilling. Happens.


I know, big shocker right? You know, that thing where a CT killed someone they shouldnt have killed? Now, I guess a few people missed the memo, but freekilling is never going to go away. EVER. From what I see, Freekilling can be categorized into three reasons.


1. Intentionally killing someone under circumstances that are against MOTD.


2. Lacking knowledge of the rules, and killing someone.


3. Accidently doing number 1.


Now, lets go over each of the generalized reasons. Number 1. Now, people who know the rules are expected to follow them to the letter, otherwise should expect a slaying. If you've been around the server for upwards of a month you've probably seen a mass freekill take place. They're common enough that it isn't the biggest shocker. For whatever reason that they do this, whether through stupidity or otherwise, there will continue to be events such as this that take place. The server is open to the public, and is subject to the actions of any who enter it.


Number 2. Okay, you can't honestly say you've ALWAYS known the rules, unless you wrote the MOTD. This happens. again, new people in the server, not always knowing our server's JB rules. Understandable if one or two FKs happen, though we have every right to punish unless people clean their acts up and learn. And once again, that will never change unless the server goes private.


Number 3. We're humans. We make mistakes. This one could be anything. Recoil from your gun causing you to kill a few more Ts in a group than you wanted, accidently pressing down on your mouse, whatever. Things happen.



Of course, these reasons for FKing happening do NOT make FKing okay or acceptable. At all times players should avoid freekilling at all costs, as JB rounds take time and wasting people's time shouldnt be something we get into a habit of doing. Its also, you know, against the rules. But at the same time, it's going to happen. When you log into the JB server, part of your mind should think "I might get freekilled" You can't escape it. So, the next time you get freekilled, calm your ♥♥♥♥. Tell the offender what they did. They may slay themselves, they may think it was warranted, or they may be cocks and just tell you to F off. Crying and moaning about it isn't going to help anything. Your best bet is to inform, then if they don't care or don't slay, inform an admin or mod to keep an eye on them. Maybe take action, IF you have proof. Starting a rage fest in chat won't do you or anyone else any good.



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*clapclapclapclapclap* nice explanation. Even though the people who FK me never get slayed. :(



Lots of reasons behind this. Though, as an example, if you get freekilled by one CT, rather than expecting him to be slayed, you're better off warning the admins/mods and asking them to keep an eye on him. Often times our admins want to play the game too, and so they wont ALWAYS catch everything.

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