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Glenn Beck

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+1 completely with jay and e.z. Smoker holy ♥♥♥♥...You shouldn't be talking anyway u have been inactive therefore you could not see that Glenn actually HAS changed quite a bit. He is really a pretty nice guy :p


I've been playing since the 23rd and every time I see Glenn Beck it looks like he is still being a major disturbance.


Just look at the way he acts; you want someone who rages either on the forums or in game?


I didn't think so.


His idea of being cool, friendly, and nice? Harassing members with suggestive and borderline offensive language.


DuckiiJr, You REALLY think that he is a nice guy when he spams chat saying "SEND ME YOUR NUDES! SHOW ME YOUR ♥♥♥♥! I'M GONNA CHOP OFF YOUR BALLS!"????


If you truly think that this is the sort of behavior that we need in xG, I am sorely disappointed in you.

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Smoker please learn the situation b4 you make these assumptions. When i told trif i was going to cut off his balls it was a joke between me and him where i told him not to kill me or his balls were mine. When i told kelly i wanted nude pics its a joke between me and her that i always do because well face it shes hot. You are leeching on to a situation and acting like you know whats going on even though you dont. You really need to learn the difference between disrespect and a joke. AND BTW you always call people faggots even though we have ♥♥♥ people on this server. Id consider that discrimination which isnt allowed. Check yourself before you wreck yourself smoker


---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------


and as for behavior calling people faggots which is a derogatory terms towards gays is horrible behavior and if you think thats the behavior we need in xG then im sorely disappointed in you. And the fact that you have called people downies in the past offends me because i have a cousin with downs syndrome who are you to judge she is a person with a disability and for you to imply that its a bad thing that people with disabilities is different that truly disgusts me.

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