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The ULTIMATE XG N.Y. Resolution

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I believe as a clan, we are supposed to be a gaming community that cares, respects, and is understanding of each other. We should not be aggressive, but informative. We should not destructive of our personal natures, but to be understanding, yet constructing other's to further assist them. We should be a kinder, compassionate community with less insults and pain, and more compliments and open minded behavior.


Our goal as a community for the year of 2012 should to ultimately be:


As a community, we should be a better community in terms of understanding, constructive behavior, and progressive notions.


So what do you say? It won't be easy. It even seems impossible. We cannot simply look away because someone believes there is no such thing as mutual understanding.


We should change that.


(if necessary, lock this thread and I can transfer this to the other resolution thread.)

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