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Member Name: Modron


What game?: Counter-Strike Source


Your In-Game Name: El_Moe_Man


Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26432126


Ban Reason: Look Supposedly i was banned for mass free-killing. but i swear i would never do such a thing

Please Pyro. please just un ban me i didnt even do anything i swear. i was framed.

there is a link below of what the person did.

Earlier i was talking to tarin and he found out that there was someone on the server name El_Moe_Man

but the L was an i, and pyro thinks i was the free-killer, witch in fact was not me because i was not on my computer at 21:09.

My brother was playing portal at the time so. Please Pryo just think about it.

and if i do get UN-banned hopefully, just keep a watchful eye on me, to make Extra sure. But im telling you right now it was not me please please think about it, ; it was not me!

Ill do anything to get back in this server. Its a great server, have great players great friends (Tarin) . Minor ups and downs. But overall pretty chill server.


So Please Pyro Think about it and hopefully your mind will change and what is really the point of mass free-killing? like who is stupid enough to do something that isn't necessary . PLEASE LET ME BACK IN THIS SERVER PLEASE.


Ill Even Take a picture of my self holding a sign saying




Also Here is some proof of me being framed, but if pyro instists that I be perm banned then thats his choice. but its not the right one to make.



Steam Community :: Teddy Bear Onslaught :: Persona name history


Last thing is , i suspect it was a guy Teddy Bear Onslaught he framed me. then he got banned , but pyro said im the one who mass freekilled. but pyro once again why would this man / guy / girl who ever it was. why would he change his name to mine? was there a reson.


I dont change my name to pyro then go and mass freekill and u get banned. how would you feel.


: (


Unban Reason: Persona name history

Teddy Bear Onslaught


Name Changed - December 27th, 2011 @ 11:38am - Teddy Bear Onslaught

Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:46pm - Yes

Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:32pm - EI_Moe_Man

Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:29pm - [xG:A] PapiChulo {DC}

Name Changed - August 19th, 2011 @ 4:23pm - Pedo Bear Onslaught

Name Changed - March 22nd, 2011 @ 5:40pm - this isnt the first time tho

Name Changed - March 22nd, 2011 @ 5:39pm - get out of spawn you dork

Name Changed - March 21st, 2011 @ 6:58pm - I dont butthurt retry....

Name Changed - March 6th, 2011 @ 6:21pm - Mr. Gao

Name Changed - December 31st, 2010 @ 3:36pm - azndude373


Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:29pm - [xG:A] PapiChulo {DC}

Name Changed - August 19th, 2011 @ 4:23pm - Pedo Bear Onslaught

Name Changed - March 22nd, 2011 @ 5:40pm - this isnt the first time tho

Name Changed - March 22nd, 2011 @ 5:39pm - get out of spawn you dork

Name Changed - March 21st, 2011 @ 6:58pm - I dont butthurt retry....

Name Changed - March 6th, 2011 @ 6:21pm - Mr. Gao

Name Changed - December 31st, 2010 @ 3:36pm - azndude373


He Framed Me. It Was Not Me Please Un-Ban Me

Im Begging!


Ill Even Take a picture of my self holding a sign saying



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Like I said before, I didn't ban you on purpose, because if you really knew me, I'm not the type of person who just bans people for no reason whatsoever. The freekilling happened a week ago and it was me, Slippery & one other mod, we saw him freekill and left. I did the ban by disconnect thing, and when I saw him on yesterday, I talked to both Duckii and Serbian because I wasn't sure if I could ban someone for avoiding a ban. After he was kicked out for whatever reason it was, I banned him from there. After I banned him I realized when the first time I banned him it was someone else having the same name, but I do remember it was E L_Moe_man doing the freekilling though, even ask Slippery since he was on the same time as me when this happened.


All of this is just all one big miscommunication & name mixup. I would never have banned you on purpose for no reason at all

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I'm so confused right now...if that's your name change history you impersonated an admin, unless papi was there to let you.....and I've had to keep a watchful eye on you while you're on ct and t alike. When You break a rule you go "THAT'S A VENT? OH HAHAAHAHAHAHHA" You think it's funny breaking rules...."THAT'S ARMORY? OH HERHEHRHURHRAHAHAH"

I'm almost certain that pyro banned the right person

-1 to unban

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I'm so confused right now...if that's your name change history you impersonated an admin, unless papi was there to let you.....and I've had to keep a watchful eye on you while you're on ct and t alike. When You break a rule you go "THAT'S A VENT? OH HAHAAHAHAHAHHA" You think it's funny breaking rules...."THAT'S ARMORY? OH HERHEHRHURHRAHAHAH"

I'm almost certain that pyro banned the right person

-1 to unban


No that's not his name change. That's the name change of the person that did the free kill and flee according to EL_Moe_Man.


According to Pyro, this impersonator (Ei_Moe_Man) was the one who behaved and the regular (EL_Moe_Man) was the one who mass freekilled and fled.






Which one massed and fled?


+1, I think Pyro made a mistake that we all might have made. Keep Ei banned and unban El.

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from what i remember, the ban logs said that EI moe man with an I instead of the L was the one that was first banned for mass freekill and disconnect, the El moe man with an L was the one that was banned because it was thought to be the same person, pyro said that he had the same voice as both el moe man's


ill unban you cause it was made under false pretenses, meaning that pyro that u were the same person from before but u werent, steam ids are different and everything about the two accounts is different (name history, game hours, friends list etc.)


-sealed away in the last great time war


happy new years btw

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