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Tru... but i also recognize when I am wrong and will admit it and work to move forward to try to get better as i hope all xG members will try.


But don't ever expect me to not sound like an ass, I am serous I don't mean anything by it, that's just me. A very blunt & sarcastic person.


And papi what are you bitching about it's not like I'm insinuating your a bad mod, god knows I know that doesn't happen. You used to always follow rules to the T back in the day. before you were ever given powers.

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I'm just saying that the comment that you said could offend people, im not thinking about myself, youve done your fair share of disregarding our rules. Im not trying to start anything im just saying that its not right for you to say thatt. But I appreciate your input and itd probably be best if you told us the mods who did that, privately, so we can fix that up too.

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+1, I know I'm not above him, but even I have had to tell him 'Stop abusing all chat' or 'Stop abusing !unmute' and he continues, he once spammed a random face in all chat 3 times, +its clearly in the proof. +1 to removal of moderator.

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This had been decided between the division leader and myself. He will be demoted due to lack of activity and what you guys have witness and herpes and i have witness.


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