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What is SOPA? For Dummies

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SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act that does more than you first think. Piracy has nothing to do with actual pirates if that was what you were thinking. Pirate originally came from people who download anything from videos to games illegally, but the dumbass government has taken the term to far. SOPA wants to ban you from watching youtube or download your favorite songs from places like 4Share.com. It wants to keep you from uploading funny videos and pictures to your facebook. But they are not just wanting this to be banned... OH NO THEY WANT TO MAKE YOU PAY MONEY IF YOU DO SO IN THE FORM OF A FINE! This is where we need to make a stand! Get the word out and oppose SOPA! Just look around the internet, websites like minecraft.net, wikipedia.org, and google.com have all either completely shut down for today or for this week in opposition to this horrible act the U.S. government wants to pass. So do what all gamers, youtube watchers, and people of the internet are doing. FIGHT BACK AGAINST SOPA!



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i think the congress needs to stop fucking around with the internet and think about some real problems............as in fix the economy and not THE FUCKING DAMN ASS INTERNET!


P.S. EXCUSE MY FRENCH "Fucking Jewish SOPA shits"

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