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Permanently Mute Puppyluv

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Hey, I just wanted to ask if you guys could permanently mute Puppyluv, she freekills people. This is what happened, keep in mind no admins/mods were there. Puppyluv "called warden" then says out of cell rebel, some CT opens cells. Another CT calls warden and gives us an order to take a step out and face our cells. Then Puppyluv freekills me and some other T's. So please permanently mute Puppyluv and tell her that she is muted. Everytime some admin or mod tells her she can't talk, she agrees then like 2 minutes later she starts talking again then they have to mute her. When she is unmuted, the same thing happens.


EDIT: I was told that you guys can't perma mute...? So um can you do something atleast?

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Uhh well it seems like this is kinda a CT ban request too? Cuz you are saying she freekills a lot, but I do need to watch her a lot when she is a CT and I warn her to not talk and when she does I mute her. Other mods/admins should do the same..not much else we can do.

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The whole point of an admin/moderator mute is to keep that person quiet for the better of the server. I would categorize Puppyluv as for the better of the server, as she's been CTbanned a few times I believe, and has been warned countless, COUNTLESS times to not use her microphone.

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Dude you freekill and dont slay urself for it. every ct freekills and dont slay thereselfs,

Puppyluv "called warden" then says out of cell rebel, some CT opens cells. Another CT calls warden and gives us an order to take a step out and face our cells. Then Puppyluv freekills me and some other T's.
If puppyluv called warden then shes warden. and if puppyluv says out of cells rebel then any1 out cell is a rebel... so she had the right to kill you and other t's cuz you said she called warden first and gave that order, and for the mute i dont think puppyluv sud be muted cuz tbh 1, she has a mic 2, shes more mature then half the people with mic's and shes like what 10? lol

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Dude you freekill and dont slay urself for it. every ct freekills and dont slay thereselfs,

If puppyluv called warden then shes warden. and if puppyluv says out of cells rebel then any1 out cell is a rebel... so she had the right to kill you and other t's cuz you said she called warden first and gave that order, and for the mute i dont think puppyluv sud be muted cuz tbh 1, she has a mic 2, shes more mature then half the people with mic's and shes like what 10? lol


You need a mature voice to be warden. So she cannot be a warden.

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