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Warden calls Freeday, just had one yeste

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Hey got a question:


If warden calls freeday, and we just had a warden called freeday yesterday - what happens?

So if he just says that, and thats all he says, or hell breaks lose. Um what happens? What is the correct process.


So he gives an invalid order, then says nothing else. Doors are still closed (maybe they arent and he said out of cell rebel before calling the invalid freeday) whatever. What happens then?

Do we just take over warden or just let the day go to the crap hole and let it be a fail?


Another example. Warden says out of your cell your a rebel. Opens doors. Then says freeday. But the freeday is invalid cause we just had one yesterday. Then a bunch of cts blast any T outside of the cells. What happens? Warden tarped and gets slayed? CTs are pardoned for killing the Ts that are out of cell because they attempted to follow only the valid orders?


Hope this made sense. Thanks for the input.

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1. if a warden calls an invalid freeday, its not a freeday,


2. usually someone would tell the warden that its an invalid freeday, most ppl would spam it in chat, warden has to be a dumbass to not see it in chat


3. warden gets slayed for tarping, dont think the cts get slayed for killing those that are out of cells, not rly sure though

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