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JB Warday

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If a warden calls warday and give a time (say 7:00) for terrorists to come out of their cells and it is of course implied to be actively participating and the cell doors are not opened by the time (7:00) then this would technically make it an "illegal warday" or an invalid order thus making it an all around illegal motion, would it not? Also if this were to be true then that would mean that at one second longer than the time (6:59 for a 7:00 time frame) then according to rules it would make it a freeday BEFORE even the 6:45 cells opened rule. Please this time (lol) I am not arguing it, I never was arguing it, and I am sorry to which ever admin thought I was arguing it. I merely wanted for this to be addressed/discussed. By a technicality and the word usage in the prior standing rules this should be true that it would become an automatic freeday.

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But any way. It will usually in an admin/mod telling the CTs that if they do not open cells by a certain time they will be slain. If they aren't opened by 6:45 it is an automatic freeday. If a T closes them that is cell spam and they will be slain. So basically in your situation a mod/admin should tell CTs to open cells or be slain.

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No, I already told you this before, its not a freeday until 6:45 as the motd states. It doesn't matter if the CTs are derps and don't open it at the time they say, as long as they open before 6:45, it is still a warday.

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