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protesting random warden

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this meathod does not work. ct's are muted at beginning of round, people dont know they are warden, people without mics get picked, and this causes many, many freedays. the old "call warden" meathod was much better i think we need to get rid of this

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i agree :3, or atleast do a round robin for warden and people without mics can just pass it to the next person

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Guys, the plugin is fine except I agree with the 10 second rule. The warden isn't muted but cts are so that the warden can give orders. Cts are unmuted after 30 seconds plus it gives everyone a chance to be warden.

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the new plug in is great now there is no more fighting over warden. I feel there were more free days the old way cause to many people would fight over warden and like zedari said cts are mute except for warden so he can give orders with out being interrupted

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well as i see this plugin its hard to tell whos warden if it only shows in mini chat where spams and stuff goes on so we need like umm... if possible it says across the screen

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The whole thing was a bit of a test, It was a good idea and from what i see some people prefer it others don't. I dont know what silence would choose to leave on but it is a good idea. We can expand it for instance have a yes or no menu pop up if u dont want to be warden like Oreo said. About CTs not having mics it was my understanding that Ct's have to have a mic or else they shouldn't be CTs. However what we had was not fine, at the beginning of a round on a full server everyone fought for warden and it took like 10 sec to decide who would be warden. This way one is automatically selected, all other cts muted so he can initiate his orders. If anyone has any alternative to solve this please share.

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your idea to do this was great Zeus and to add a yes no would improve it. I do believe people without mics can be cts cause duckii doesnt have a mic but she is a good ct so idk though.

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haha am i? people always acuse me of freekilling even the Warden xD ~ kids~ but i follow the order and kill people who dont obey and sometime give them time to do it instead of killing them that instant for a little delay ~ bad ct's does this ~ makes the game boring

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