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Lava days on jailbreak

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When I was playing JB on Cs 1.6 we used to have a day called "Lava Days". I was hoping that I could get these added to xG's JB server.


-Lava Days-

Lava days start like normal days: face cells, gun check, yada yada yada. Then the warden will say "today we are having a lava day", or whatever. On lava days the floor is lava and you must be on a spray at all times, Sprays, cells, and ladders are safe, vents are still restricted. 2 people can be on a spray at once, unless otherwise stated. The warden can give locationsr restrict rooms and realistic time limits to get there, the T's must to go to the given location, or from the restricted room by jumping from spray to spray. In Cs 1.6 bodies would stay on the map, and those were safe too, but in Cs:S the bodies disappear, so unless they change that bodies aren't safe. Bullet holes can be safe, but this can lead to freekills if the CT's aren't good. all of this depends on how the warden sets up the day, ie "Ok, today we will be having a lava day, sprays, ladders and cells are safe" Le few minutes later "All T's must be in pool by 4:10." Aaaaand you keep going killing those who aren't on sprays or doing rebelish things. I'll post more stuff if I think of it.

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I love this idea, but what about those people that can't see sprays (decal set low) . It wouldn't be fair for them since their configs are set to that.

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some dude was on the other day and we played "hide and seek" pritty epic :P warden opens cells ct stop in armory till like 7 t's have till 7 2 hide if your seen then your dead, ct cant open vents ect. when its down 2 the last 2 then you do low spary or what ever we did for lr. :excitement:

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Seems cool but after the guncheck and warden announces lava day do they spray under there feet i guess our else they would all be dead? Or do they all start from the same point?

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Seems cool but after the guncheck and warden announces lava day do they spray under there feet i guess our else they would all be dead? Or do they all start from the same point?


i think they stack then have some1 start off

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---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------



I love this idea, but what about those people that can't see sprays (decal set low) . It wouldn't be fair for them since their configs are set to that.
Whenever we would play it, we would just make sure that everybody's decal limit was set to the max, but yeah, sometimes somebody would mess up. You just gotta be careful.

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yeah block but some people freekilled if they were even barely off which was stupid.


Ikr, hopefully if we do have Lava Days on the jb server they won't freekill just for being a tad off. :l

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