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DDoS For Fuck's Sake!

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so whats caused this? and why the fuck aren't we allowed to talk about it? Its interfering with many of our funnest game server that we have paid money for and it seems like nothing is being done about it and are being told not to talk about it. No, fuck that! Someone needs to bring light to this and SOLVE IT! I heard getting a VIP IP can prevent DDoS, hell ANYTHING done to fix this and keep a MATURE debate on this subject alive will calm tempers.


And if i get banned or kicked for bringing this up i feel its an abuse of power because all im trying to do is get a problem fixed! it can only get fixed by talking about it and solving it! NOT sweeping it under the rug and making it a Taboo subject.

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the ddos issue will be fixed with shortly, have some patience and to everyone else, stop posting threads about ddos in general, read the other threads before u start a new one


-sealed away in the last great time war

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