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To who it may concern...

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It has come to my attention that the forum has become a tool for people to gripe and complain about each other. I don't understand what the point of "being active on the forum" means for you guys. The forum is supposed to be used to talk about rational problems about what is going on in the clan and the servers. All the posts I see are just people insulting each other. Why do you guys enjoy this so much, you guys are getting angry at the littlest things and just try to remember these are all just games, to play for fun. There is no need to get all immature and hostile over minuscule things. Why is it so difficult to have a little bit of mutual respect for your fellow players? I'm not saying everyone has to get along perfectly... I merely am saying that you should treat each other like adults and if you really hate someone so much, just keep quiet when they talk and don't say anything immature and stupid... Do you think you can get through life acting like a spoiled child? Just consider this and try to have a little more respect, even if you don't like someone, that does not mean you should treat them like dirt. ;)

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I agree; The forums have been a turned into a tool of pain and hate, instead of a tool of creation and repair. A hammer turned into a dagger.


**** just got poetic. what now *****es?

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I agree; The forums have been a turned into a tool of pain and hate, instead of a tool of creation and repair. A hammer turned into a dagger.


**** just got poetic. what now *****es?


Copyright By: DrunkenMapleleaf 2011

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