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JB server: Armory camping/Vent camping rules

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I just was wondering why this situation = CT slay

I see a T Break a vent to Armory and he is rushing to armory i go through armory entrance arrive just as he gets to armory kill the rebeler but i get slayed as it is considered vent/armory camping even though i just got there at the same time -_-

so i am bringing this up for a revision to this rule i mean a CT should be able to pursue a rebel the fastest way he knows if he knows where the T is headed. please post

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it depends razec sometimes people sit in armory for like 2 minutes ex. electric razor people sit in the window and see people rushing through the vending machines so they go and camp the vent into armory but there in there pass 7:30 till like 5 or so but if u see him go in there and you know where hes going i dont think that you should be slayed for that because you stopped him from killing everyone

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yes but i am saying if i've been there for 2- 10 secs (10 being the most) and a T breaks through into armory through a vent i should be able to kill him and leave armory with out a slay happening, i am just saying the rule needs better specifics or a revision for that reason.

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yea true that but if you hear him break the vent and u go in and kill him then thats different but if u know hes in that vent and ur camping for him on the other side then i kinda think thats camping

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