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Untypeable names

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I would like to make an amendment to the General MOTD. I would like to state: "All usernames must be legible and must be able to be typed with common characters." +1/-1?

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Hmm, maybe not go so far as to say with "common characters", but definatly have a name that is easy to read and makes you identifiable. You guys have an admin menu for kicking (I think), so being able to type it shouldn't be a requirement, but I know there are some people with names like "\(0.o)/" and you can't really order them easily. Overall +1

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Hmm, maybe not go so far as to say with "common characters", but definatly have a name that is easy to read and makes you identifiable. You guys have an admin menu for kicking (I think), so being able to type it shouldn't be a requirement, but I know there are some people with names like "\(0.o)/" and you can't really order them easily. Overall +1


The typeable character will help in private messaging/give reasons for kicks. You can't do that in the admin menu.

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The typeable character will help in private messaging/give reasons for kicks. You can't do that in the admin menu.


Ah ok, that makes sense. It doesn't allow you to use the ID number of the person you find in "status" in console (the two digit number assigned to people when they enter the server)?

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ill change the general server rules to include no special characters in a persons name, and to make it fair for them, they can have special characters in their name as long as enough of it is legible that an admin can target the person, and that if they're asked to change their name, then they have to


-sealed away in the last great time war

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