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Dance Off 4 Lr

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Why did you even post this? This can be easily abused to give LR to people. There's a reason opinion based games are banned, people would gang on someone they don't like, for example kids with a high voice.

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Sorry I meant as a Lr. Like for someone to dance another ct or sumthin. Like whosever's head and body is moving the fastest wins? Idk. W/E my dreams will never come true...

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It says in MOTD no opinionated games for LR. This could be abused to give your friend LR. There's a reason they put this in MOTD :/

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Yeah this would pretty much be the complete opposite of the no opinion games for lr rule. If they don't like a kid he dies.


Tbh they should be removed as a whole.. not just in lr but I guess I can't have everything.

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The game I meant is not a dance contest based on opinion. It would be something like Simon says except circles would appear in a small area and you would have to get to them as fast as you could. It would kind of be like Dance Dance Revolution. It would use the circles from Race but except it would just be those not inside the circle would die if they were doing the lr. The game would account for walls so that no circles would appear inside a solid object so that no person would have to run around it or just be stuck and the lr fail.

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