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Dreams are fucking weird

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...when you don't sleep for a couple days.

I had a fucking fascinating dream last night. In it, I went out with a few real life friends to a club nearby my house. It seemed pretty usual until we met up with humanized versions of the mane six ponies from MLP.

I seemed to be the only one freaked out by it, my real life friends were conversing with them like they were old friends of ours as well. After a drinking contest with RD and AJ, and some other pony related shenanigans, it got weird and kinda fucked up.

I found Fluttershy pinned against a car by some big hairy dude. She looked terrified and was trying to push him off, so I stepped in and pushed him. He turned around to throw a punch at me and for some reason I decided to bash his nose in at the same time. My punch connected first, and I continued to pound his face into the car window until it broke, and then on the floor until he was unconcious, bloodied and broken (possibly dead). I looked back up to Fluttershy to see her even more scared than before. I found myself horrified by what I did as well, since I'm a nonviolent person.

And then I fucking woke up. This is absolutely confusing for me, since I almost NEVER remember my dreams, and they are hardly ever that vivid or detailed. Anyone on here able to interpret dreams? I AM LOST. ;~;


Also, post your related or just plain fucking off dreams here. :o

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my theory about dreams is that ur subconscious is able to connect to another parallel version of urself through some way and that the glimpses that u see is whats happening to the parallel version of urself, and since the number of parallel universes is infinite, u could be seeing any kind of version of urself in any way possible. for me, i always seem to have vivid dreams that i can remember days after it happened, at one point, i was absolutely sure that i was dreaming yet i couldnt do anything about it, meaning i couldnt imagine that i had powers and was unable to create a fireball in my hands or something

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So in some other 'verse on the vast number of Multiverses, I beat the living shit out of someone for touching my friend, a human pony.

>pic related



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my theory about dreams is that ur subconscious is able to connect to another parallel version of urself through some way and that the glimpses that u see is whats happening to the parallel version of urself, and since the number of parallel universes is infinite, u could be seeing any kind of version of urself in any way possible

so in a parallel universe im a rainbow unicorn giving hugs to little children ? ....awesome :3

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I had two dreams last night.


I had a dream where a lady kept opening the window way open and a squirrel was on the out side of it looking in, there was no screen so I kept nearly closing it, open enough for wind but not a bloody squirrel to come in. But he squeezed his way threw the crack and just ran around the room. I was yelling at the girl for opening the gosh darn window and screaming about the squirrel. In the end he hoped on my shoulder and I was nearly crying because I was so freaking afraid he was going to hurt my face. ._.

[ATTACH]2597.vB[/ATTACH] squirrels scare me..


My other dream was that my old teacher added a kid from my new school on steam, because she used to baby sit her and junk. Oddly enough it darn near broke my heart when I found this out and I was really mad at the girl my teacher added. I miss my old teacher she was swell. xD


So yeeeeeah, fun times. :3


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I may have the strangest problem. For some odd reason i'll remember my dreams to the smallest detail then always around9:00am I will forget everything. ("around" meaning within 5 minutes of the hour):confused:

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