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Ghost banned?

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So apparently I'm CT banned for a week, yet Neo couldn't find a log as to why I was CT banned as far as 3/20/12. And, ontop of that, he can't un-ban me for whatever reason. It says I was banned for at least a thousand five hundred minutes before I tried joining, which is impossible because I was at my boyfriends house at the time of said ban. So, /xg/, wat do?



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Yea @@silence I think there is a glitch somewhere or I don't have teamunban powers. Angreh Horse is/was also teambanned and I couldn't find his anywhere.

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Well this happens kinda often and is semi annoying but basically its a bug. This happens every several weeks or so in a cluster of people. They are usually unbanned the next day regardless of ban duration. (usually)

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