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Worst Rebelling Method

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Since i made a perfect rebelling method, i decided to make a method on what not to do. But first, Always learn from your mistakes. You will surprised on how much faster you get better at rebelling. anyways, here's da list...


Vents and Tunnels


if you want to use the vent, never rush the vent cell from another cell. if you are not in the vent cell, don't rush it right away. The CT's are always sitting in front or on side of the vent cell just waiting for T's to make their move.


Guns and Knives


the worst thing you could do is to spray a gun in anyway shape or form, except for close range. here are some statistics:


Chance for kill from LONG Range -> 1%


Chance for kill from SHORT Range -> 50%


another thing not to do is, never try to shot through the cell. its a waste of bullets and the guards are more alert at the beginning of the round. try shooting when they wouldnt expect it, and aim for the neck area, not the head. Your recoil will take care of the headshots. dont try spray at the body unless you're rushing.


Knifing is one of the hardest things to master in Jailbreak and Counter Strike in general.

First, ALWAYS right-click. never left-click

^ Obviously, but if you can pull off a 3 hit combo, this is much faster ( L-Click, L-Click, R-Click)


The worst thing you can do is jump, crouch, run away, run backwards, etc.


try to circle around a CT, catch him on the delay (when he knifes and has to wait a second), and the hardest thing to do, which @Shiro seems to do really well, run through the CT and knife his back. How do you do that Shiro?!?




here are some tips for anything else

  • Grenades arent the best tool, but try to use it when a CT is checking cells. the damage will be more greater in a compact area -> a cell.
  • Try not to rebel at the beginning every round if you're not prepared, it makes you more obvious each round and gives you the wrong idea.
  • Learn from others, you can spectate anyone in jailbreak.
  • Practice makes perfect.


here are my resources and good tips...


AK-47 & M4A1


Harder to Hit


improve your skill


Knifing guide

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  • Turn off trails - they give away your position if using teleporters or if you're mere steps ahead around a corner.
  • Turn off tracers or set visibility to team-only or self-only - they give away your position.
  • Turn off hats - Although CT's aren't "supposed" to use hats to identify you it's going to happen anyways. You want to blend in.
  • Use !colors to your advantage - Black can be useful for hiding in corners. Orange blends in with sandstorm day. Experiment with other colors to blend in with surroundings (they don't exactly appear as what you'd expect).

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another thing not to do is, never try to shot through the cell. its a waste of bullets and the guards are more alert at the beginning of the round. try shooting when they wouldnt expect it, and aim for the neck area, not the head. Your recoil will take care of the headshots. dont try spray at the body unless you're rushing.


^ That's wrong. When you shoot, usually a pistol you don't unload the whole thing at once, you aim carefully for their heads, and you can just run and spray if you shoot fast enough and if they aren't looking. What's wrong with killing people in your cell if nobody else sees?




and the hardest thing to do, which @Shiro seems to do really well, run through the CT and knife his back. How do you do that Shiro?!?


^It's pretty easy :shame:



Grenades arent the best tool, but try to use it when a CT is checking cells. the damage will be more greater in a compact area -> a cell.


Oh really? I didn't know that :mask:

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