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I was hoping...

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I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I don't feel like I owe anyone an explanation but here it is:


I created a mod app yesterday (here). If you read it you'll see that I was actually encouraged to apply by a handful of people and I've actually got something to back myself up. Furthermore you'll see serbiansnaga himself said I was on the right track.


Shortly after I made the app I saw the SteamBOT notification with the plea for money. When I first started playing on this server I donated within 2 days because I liked the server. When I donated yesterday I also did it solely to support the community.


With my donation I could have gotten Admin, but when Silence messaged me about the donation I told him not to give me anything and that I wanted to get mod the hard way. He insisted on giving me something, and since I was shooting for mod anyway, I took it.


I know it appears, as many are saying, that powers are being bought. And the truth is, they are at the moment. Hopefully through my involvement in the community and with this explanation you can understand that I was sincerely trying to help the community.


I intend to do plenty of question asking and watching before I use any commands outside of obvious rule breakers. I know I'm still new in the community so I haven't been around the block and earned the fullest respect from everyone which is another reason I plan on just taking it easy for the time being.


If you haven't done so, feel free to read my mod app to learn a little more about me and my experience. Feel free to discuss anything here.

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+1, which is exactly what I was going to give to you before your Mod app was closed. You're an asset to the community both in-game and out. I'm glad you're a mod, and hopefully I can say the same for the others that got it. Only time will tell.

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It shouldn't really be looked at in the sense that LOL YOU PAID FOR MOD YOU'RE A FAGGOT and more like; you donated 50 bucks to help the clan, good man!

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