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Error signs

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why hello there, this is Wu/WU TANG FINANCIAL, which I'm sure you've figured out unless you're retarded


anyways, I've been getting those big red ERROR signs above heads instead of hats for a long time and I just can't figure out why


I've deleted the materials folder, the models folder, even reinstalled the game and nothing...it's driving me insane and it's funny because I never had this problem in the past, it seemed like it just magically started happening...I mean, I remember I used to fuck with skins in the materials/models folders a lot in the past but if I already deleted those and let them reinstall, then I have no clue how THAT made the error signs start happening, plus the problem would have obviously been fixed with the restart of them


it's hard when you're in a stack of T's and there's 3000 error signs blocking your view :nonchalance:


special blowjob to the person that figures it out but until then, take a watermelon :watermelon:

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