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Ranks n Stuff

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Hey, it's me Fair, the admin cocksucking, fun loving, **** riding ****** that's going to tell you how to run this clan!


Okay well my ideas are all sort of based around having a fewer amount of admins, but schedules to specific times. I do not think that a change of tags is needed, but more a change of placement of the current admins.


eg. The server is allotted into certain time blocks, and people say if they can or cannot be on at these times to watch the server when there are more than 10 people on, and we have a few more on at peak hours.


1) Aegan 8AM - 11AM

2) Excision 11AM - 2PM

3) Shikaku 2PM - 5PM

4) Fair ( :) ) 5PM - 8 PM

5) Llama 5PM - 8 PM

6) Someone 8PM - 11PM

7) Someone 11PM - 2AM


These are just examples, and I think that these are unrealistic hours but it is simply a rough outline. I know that spacing out the admin times will be the most efficient way to keep the server in check without adding too many more admins to the already huge amount.


In addition to these admin time slots, I believe that we should have certain members that have slay and team switch powers only. I have seen this point raised in the forums before and I think it is a great idea, as we do not always need someone who can perm somebody, but someone who can slay a CT who is unwilling to slay himself etc. These members of course would be trusted and veteran members, not just randoms pulled out of a hat. These people would be people who are trusted by the clan, but not enough to have admin. A name for them could be Enforcer or something *** like that, I don't know.


Thirdly, we need to completely root out the process of recruiting members where people are just accepted on pure whim. There are too many people that come in here that just **** around like Kenny and Horrible (Jokes) who are just complete fags and who should have never got in in the first place. We need to have a recruitment process where they go through a trial period of about a week to see if they are fit of mind and body to join this elite group of warriors. If they pass this phase then they may move on to becoming normal members. I have also seen this posed before but I believe a month is way too long of an observation process. I believe this observation period will help strengthen the clan with loyal members instead of just fodder.


Lastly, weekly ranks. Peace


EDIT: Holy ranks batman, I was rambling on so long I forgot to include my ideas for ranks:


[xG] Name |Recruit| - Signifies a person in the trial phase

[xG] Name - Normal Member

[xG] Name |Enforcer| - Signifies a person with slay/switch abilities

[xG] Name |Moderator| and |Admin|

[xG] Name |Leader| (silence <3)


I prefer the names at the end as it is clear and doesn't get in the way of our actual [xG] tag. Tell me what you think please good sirs.

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