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Elder scrolls online????

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So I've been a huge fan of ES games since I played morrowind, a long time ago... And i recently heard about Elder scrolls online... Idk about you guys, but i'm scared :c I feel like its going to be nothing like the other games. Opinions? :D

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if its anything like WoW with the point and click and the number spamming, its gonna be terrible, as long as they stick to the roots of the elder scrolls games with the gameplay and everything and simply add multiplayer, it would be a terrific game, they would have to compensate for the other players by making everything bigger and the map bigger, hopefully they make it so that u can travel from skyrim to morrowwind to daggerfall etc, so that u can travel anywhere in the elder scrolls universe

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It'd be hellllla cool if they made duel quests (or something of the sort) so you and your friend can do that shit together.


So would full out Skyrim World PvP, but like serb said it would prob be numberspamming. D:

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I think there is skyrim online, but it's a plugin. Also, you can't see what they wear :/


Though, I hear they won't make one.

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yea serb i hope its nothing like wow... it wouldnt be elder scrolls... But if it was still first person, just mmo, itd be sick

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I hope they dont fuck it up and make it matches like 5v5 because people would be overpowered as shit in games like this. I really want them to do more of a co-op or 4 player campaign kinda thing with people allowed to go anywhere without limits. So kinda like the fable co-op, just a little more spaced out.

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Ermm well it wont be that great imo because betheseda said they gave people choice between mp and dragons and people said dragons. But still sounds cool and will most likely be in next ES game.

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I'm a bit skeptical, I need to see more of the game to make a decision. I feel like this idea has been out there for so long that someone had to do it eventually, and it's good to see they're taking the risk.

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Heres the deal. WoW is slowly dieing. It is losing members left and right to other MMO games like Rift. Also with F2P MMOs like Star Trek Online, its just a matter of time before WoW gives up its #1 Slot. But its ok! WoW has had a good run, but like most things it has to come to an end. And like most TV shows, the last season is almost always the shittiest. Thats why the Panderian expansion is their last. Im not saying it is going to be shitty, but honestly its pandas... I know that its not because of kung-fu panda, its been in their lore way before the movie came out. But the act of them putting it in their game is a risky one, and was probably best done without. After the last expansion for WoW comes out the count down till WoW becomes F2P begins. Set your clocks because its only going to be a year after that they do so.


Blizzards business plan for WoW making it F2P will be a good decision. If you are thinking "well how do they make money when its free?" its because they make it possible to buy in game items for money. Or they go the route that games like Blacklight Retribution have taken. Where you buy membership or pay monthly / annually for it. And then it gives you benefits like recieving more xp or gaining access to some items where-as F2P players would not be able to get them. This is the route most games are taking now.


As for ESO, by the pictures I have seen it is basically just and upgrade from WoW and slapping Elder Scrolls in the name. The game play may be slightly different, but most MMO games play the same. The story line may be different but the mechicanics will be similar. And with the recent increase in sales of RPGs I see ESO being highly played. Just make sure when you get this game, because I mean come on, you know you will. That you buy it early on. Start early before all the newbie codfags who are now switching to RPGs take over.

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regarding what @@Stegosaurus said.

I agree with the WoW part completely, however, I've never been a huge fan myself...

With ESO, I also agree. The problem is, I feel as if they will just slap it together and know it'll sell just because its ES. If it's just another MMO, Ima be real sad :c

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I thought I posted in here already... Anyways yes most people will swarm to it just for the name but it is gonna be a failure bethesda has tried multiplayer games in the past and most of them just wind up with there servers shut down i'm not completely sure if they are producing this (MOST LIKELY) but still I would rather take PlanetSide 2 over TES Online xD.

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