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Manny's Re-Submission

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Decision: 0


Maturity: 7/10

Activity: ?/10 - He used to be very active on JB but I haven't seen him in a while, he may play other servers, not sure.


Why: Well as stated I haven't seen him in a while but he may be more active on other servers. I hate to say it but when I did see him in JB he tended to spam and derp more often then not and I just didn't really see a clear understanding of the rules or the general role-play theme of JB.

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W: Nice guy, knows rules, is helpful

A: 8/10

M: 9/10


i play on surf a lot more :\ sorry if I don't go on JB very often. I got freekilled 5 times in a row so i got sort of mad because of that

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