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Forcing T's to not have knives.

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I am bring this to the attention of anyone who is of power to change the rules for CS:S Jailbreak and is open for discussion.


What happened:

Today, Swizz was warden and forced T's to drop their knives by going into a soccer game on the map. T's were then told to not pick up a knife and follow him to the pool to play sharks and minnows.



Warning Images below are 1920x1080 my native screen resolution! (Turns out they are scaled by photo bucket :P)


Proof 1

Proof 2

Proof 3


What I would like to happen:

I would like the rule to be more clear in the MOTD, anything else is open for discussion.

Punishment of Swizz is not necessary but I would like everyone to know (including myself) of any rule change on this matter.

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This is already clear in the motd. Swizz's actions could have resulted in a slay or teamban.


@@SwizZ You must not force T's to be stripped of their knifes unless the game (soccer in this case) requires it. If T's leave this area the must be allowed to pick up a knife.

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I gathered that there were no admins from your post. You can find a lot of us (mods/admins) on the xG Steam group and you can message other group members without actually adding them personally. Feel free to ask anyone who's online if you need something like that quick.


Unfortunately there's really nothing that can be done about it now anyway, but yeah.

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>ask silence

>lold hard

btw, as u can tell, silence wont rly help u since he doesnt know the motd himself, at least compared to how it was a year ago, ask a div leader or a css admin first, and as for the rule, the ts MUST be able to get a knife back if they lose theirs as a result of a map game

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Hey Silence if you read this... would you make the MOTD a little bit more clear... (Or anyone able to edit that post)




A T CANNOT BE WARDEN. The round begins with a CT calling Warden. During a game, the Warden must call out "Warden kills only", or the other CTs are allowed to help the Warden kill the losing Ts. The Warden cannot instruct the Ts to kill a CT. The Warden can also not give personal freedays, and cannot make a T a pet(See Freeday). Tarping is ONLY after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by. The warden must repeat the orders at least once and it must be clear when asked (only the beginning order when out of cells). If the Warden happens to die a CT must call out on voice chat that they are the new warden within 15 seconds for the current round to continue. If they do not call warden it will be a freeday until 0:00. When it is 0:00 any CT with a mic must revoke this freeday and get the Ts to play a game for !lr. During The 15 seconds after the Warden's death their previous order remains for that 15 seconds until a CT calls Warden. The warden cannot order T's to crouchwalk(Walking and crouching at the same time). The warden cannot order Ts to an area where they would be stripped of their knives for the remainder of the day. If a T does lose their knife due to a map game etc., the warden must allow the T to recover another knife. 4/20/2012 The warden is not allowed to force T's to drop their knife and if at any point a T loses their knife the warden must allow the T to get a knife. 6/9/2012 (P.s. Panda is awesome ;D)

Passing Warden: A CT may pass warden by Voicechat, or by Typed command if they are muted. (They can NOT restrict another CT to pass on warden) This means, they can say no pass backs, but they can't say "No pass ons". 27/01/2012 They must give one command before they pass warden (for example, out of cell you're a rebel)



Remove the Underlined and replace it with the Bold

The part about me being awesome isn't necessary

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