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U.S involement in Syria?

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If you guys want a quick rundown of whats going on check out this article. Why the Syrian regime is killing babies - CNN.com


Basically the situation is a mess down there. The president al-Assad is having hundreds of people massacred including children and civilians don't have enough firepower to fight back. The people there do not want the current government but the government if fighting back with force and civilians can't do anything about it.


Bordering countries are still in debate about intervening and the same question is brought up here in the U.S.


I personally fell we should at least do something about the situation but it can't just be us going in. Maybe using resources such as NATO or the UN to get other countries in with us will prevent a full scale U.S intervention, which is the last thing we need after all our fun with Iran/Iraq.


So what do you guys think?


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