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Admin command chart

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Ok to me the is how we should deal with rule breakers in this order:


First offense:slay (if he hasn't killed himself yet and if he did kill himself after I give him a extra chance)

Second offense:kick or another slay

Third: if you had slayed him for the second offense then kick him, if you kicked him for the second offense CT ban him

Fourth:if you kicked him on third offense CT ban him, if you CT banned him on the third offense ban him for 24 hours.


To me permanent ban should only be used on people who freekill and leave, if they freekill and stay ban them for a week.


Post your opinions and advice if you wish!

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well i think admins should know that alrdy... if it was accdient slay , again ct ban and tell them to read motd if it was intentional freekill ct ban right there with no warnings.

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Ok to me the is how we should deal with rule breakers in this order:


First offense:slay (if he hasn't killed himself yet and if he did kill himself after I give him a extra chance)

Second offense:kick or another slay

Third: if you had slayed him for the second offense then kick him, if you kicked him for the second offense CT ban him

Fourth:if you kicked him on third offense CT ban him, if you CT banned him on the third offense ban him for 24 hours.


To me permanent ban should only be used on people who freekill and leave, if they freekill and stay ban them for a week.


Post your opinions and advice if you wish!



ewwie. Your format is gross.

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this is the rule of a perma banned ,

Ban Time

You should never use a permanent ban unless it is for the following reasons:

The person broke the rules and then fled.

The person performed a massive freekill and fled.

If the person does not fall into this criteria, they should NOT be getting permanently banned.

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