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Armed Ban appeal

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I dont have logs because i logged after but multiple people were in the server at the time: Drizzydraken, Doug, peppermint, and a few others i cant recall.


Xeno Gamers



Reason: "little bitch"


only 15 minutes but still unjust.


sorry heres my steam id: STEAM_0:1:16525747

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Maybe you shouldn't call me a little bitch then.


Find the logs of me spamming again, I told you to shut the fuck up cause you kept adding to the problem.

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i called them "little bitches" because they were calling us all niggas and spamming and noone did anything about it until doug a nonadmin put them in there place then they called him faggot etc..

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i called them "little bitches" because they were calling us all niggas and spamming and noone did anything about it until doug a nonadmin put them in there place then they called him faggot etc..


Arguing against them doesn't make it better, overall they were just having fun and you guys become such hardasses and can't joke around.


You called one of them "Philippino" for no reason actually, so technically you were being racist anyways, I was just joking when it said I'm black and that offends me. Humor, understand it.

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i said "you sound like a 14 year old phillipino kid" because he was talking about drug dealing and banging "bitches" and such, how is that racist?


how were we being hardasses, they were annoying everyone on the server and talking shit to all of us and threatening drizzy drake because of mod abuse and claimed they had a admin friend watching, im assuming that was you, how come they weren't banned for calling doug a faggot ass bitch?

or for calling us niggas?

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i said "you sound like a 14 year old phillipino kid" because he was talking about drug dealing and banging "bitches" and such, how is that racist?


Now that actually offends me.


What part of they were just joking around do you not understand? You'd probably cry if you ever came to the scrim server.

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How does that offend you? really all i said was you sound like a 14 year old phillipino kid because he did, thats not racist at all, they were calling each other "niggas" and talking about drugs and banging bitches and saying you dont lift and threatening us so i cant call them 14 year olds?


and joking around? they were making threats at us and racism isnt tolerated on the server, yeah but jailbreak =/ scrim server, racism is usually enforced on the server but you did nothing of it(probably because they were your friends) but when i call them a bitch for getting owned by doug after talking trash to all of us its not allowed?

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Alright whatever, i apologize for calling you a bitch, i shouldn't have and i let my tempers get the best of me, i felt he was disrespecting me too and many others on the server.

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Now that actually offends me.


What part of they were just joking around do you not understand? You'd probably cry if you ever came to the scrim server.


This shit just made me LAUGH SO HARD

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What part of they were just joking around do you not understand? You'd probably cry if you ever came to the scrim server.


so then what'd you ban me for? you seemed upset just because i called you a bitch, and as far as i know namecalling =/ disrespect.

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namecalling =/ disrespect.

"You're a bitch! You're a faggot!" > If you're saying that to someone and they clearly get upset because of it, how is it not disrespect? I thought they taught these things to people in kindergarten :/

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